Megan Fox Dissed by Transformers Crew

Sunday, September 13, 2009 ·

Uber-hottie Megan Fox got oodles of good bad press recently when she compared her Transformers director Michael Bay to Hitler (and said sundry other crazy things). But now a few crew members have decided to teach the Jennifer's Body star a lesson by giving her more publicity, in the form a long open letter posted on the Transformers site. It's pure genius of the moron kind!

The crew's A-game is name-calling. They call her "dumb as a rock" and the "queen of talking trailer trash and posing like a porn star" not to mention "grumpy" and "thankless, classless, graceless." And on and on and on.

The public spanking letter was ultimately yanked down by Bay (but you can read the whole thing here via Just Jared). But the director went on to show the crew nerds how these things are properly done, by posting on the site:

"I don't condone the crew letter to Megan. And I don't condone Megan's outlandish quotes. But her crazy quips are part of her crazy charm. The fact of the matter is I still love working with her, and I know we still get along. I even expect more crazy quotes from her on Transformers 3."

Now that's how you transform bad publicity into something good.